


Pre-programmed micro SD card for 2016 map update

Nøgle Funktioner

Preprogrammed microSD Card, supplied with SD card adapter
Includes full country coverage for Western Europe and many countries in Eastern Europe
Includes increased detailed coverage for Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine
Inkluderer ny dækning for Romænien, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Barthélemy og Fransk Guinea
Displays more than 6 million points of interest, such as restaurants, lodging, border crossings, attractions, petrol stations, campsites, shopping and more.
Offers more than 10.4 million km of road coverage, including motorways, national and regional thoroughfares and local roads.
Inkluderer detaljerede information, såsom restriktioner, omkørsler, hastighedsbegrænsninger og andre navigationsfunktioner.
Giver drej til drej anvisninger
Indeholder trafikdata for kompatible enheder, som bruger trafikmodtagere
Bemærk: Installer altid den sidste nye firmware (Enhed & navigationsdel) før brug af førstegangs-kortopdatering.